Jan 25, 2008

Tech-savvy pets: Part deux

This is an extension of an earlier post about pets marking their territory on social-networking sites. It seems as though I underestimated the tech-savviness of some cats and dogs -- and the bizarreness of their owners.

As I have come to discover, apparently for some of our four-legged friends having an online profile -- featuring interests and favorite treats -- is not enough.

These uber-cool cats -- and dogs -- need more room to meow and bark so they have taken the next step.

They have started their own blogs.

Prince Muddy Paws, for example, is a male cat living in Alabama who enjoys playing tag and running up and down the hall. His recent posts on his blog, Bloggingcat.com , include pictures of himself and friends. Also, in one of his posts Muddy Paws mocks humans for showering.

Muddy Paws wrote:
I keep showing them how to lick themselves clean, but they only lick their fingers after eating messy food. Oh well, I shall never give up trying to train them.
For dogs, there's an actual template for their blogs on My-Dog-Blog.com. This sample blog provides the details.

Nena the Scottie has a My-Dog-Blog account. Her page features recent pictures of herself, some poems, and a list of famous people who owned or own Scottish Terriers.

(For the record -- Pause, my cat, does not have a blog. He just uses the computer to nap).

When I stumbled upon these pet blogs, it made me feel a tad better about myself.

This may be my second post about my cat but at least I'm not posting as my cat.

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