Jan 26, 2008

The Political Twilight Zone

Presidential campaigns are plagued with conspiracy theories.

The latest one developed after Thursday night's MSNBC Republican debate in Florida and involves Mitt Romney.

Check out the audio that has caused a fury of speculation:

Did you catch that? A mystery voice whispering "raise taxes" right after Tim Russert completes his question and seconds before Romney answers the question.

The conspiracy theory that immediately began floating around blogs and news organizations was Romney has someone whispering in his ear. Some news channels were even comparing it to the 2004 Bush/Kerry debate in which Bush was believed to have wiring under his coat.

Co-moderator, Brian Williams, also heard the voice. Williams posted on his blog:
I remember looking around stage with a start - scanning the faces of the candidates, trying to figure out who had just said that.
However, MSNBC reported Friday that this mystery voice was an audience member and the microphone on stage picked up chatter. None of the candidates heard the whisper.

So it appears another conspiracy theory has been solved.

Or has it.

The blog, Dirt Rhodes Scholar, has an interesting post saying this wasn't the only time a whisper occurred during the debate. During another Mitt Romney response, there apparently is a voice saying "support."

Check out the video:

Is Mitt Romney conspiring against the other Republican candidates by having his people whisper in his ear while he is live on stage.?

Or maybe its the Democrats conspiring against Mitt Romney, making all these whispers up in hopes of destroying Romney's chances.

Perhaps its all just one big conspiracy in the Political Twilight Zone.

1 comment:

JRTR said...

This is really interesting. I haven't seen this anywhere and I must go investigate more. I just hope this doesn't get blown out of proportion, unless it is valid of course.